Until your clients complain to their friends down the road that the house is too hot or cold, insulation seems like nothing special until it becomes a builder’s problem…
Your reputation can be improved for a long time if you have the right insulation. In addition, knowing what insulation works and how much it is worth can help you save money on your next project.
What’s The Deal with Insulation?
Despite knowing all the details of your project, explaining it to your client can be challenging sometimes. To make it easy for your client to understand technical terms, we are here to simplify them for you. Insulation is a construction material that helps to slow down the transfer of heat and sound between areas within a building. Insulation reduces heat loss during summer and heat gain during winter, reducing energy bills and creating a more comfortable home for your client.
Take A Deep Breath
It is becoming more and more common for people to suffer from asthma and respiratory problems. Your client’s home can be kept healthy by minimising mould and mildew growth indoors by installing the right insulation. Melbourne can get quite cold and damp and this type of weather can cause mould and mildew to thrive. Teaching your client the importance of insulation, will give them peace of mind and help them to feel appreciated.
Help them Save on Electricity
By reducing heat loss through insulation, air conditioners and heaters use less electricity, causing your clients to use less energy and save on their next bill.
Added Fire Safety
With Queensland being even closer to the equator, the temperature sure can heat up. Making your build a more fire-resistant option can really add value to your clients, ensuring a quality insulation can help. Wouldn’t it be nice to pass on peace of mind knowing that the insulation used in your build is made from non-combustible fibres? Speak to Pride to get the right insulation and ensure the quality of your build is as high as possible.
Sounds Like Serenity
Got a build in the hustle and bustle of Melbourne metro? All that noise you hear on site is you’re your client will hear in their home. So, help minimise unwanted noise and sounds in general, and give your client a more comfortable place of serenity. Just another key selling point to your client.
A Supplier We’re Proud Of
TAG’s mission is not just to simplify the process for your clients, but also to find you a supplier we can be proud of, as well. When it comes to insulation there is none we take more pride in than – PRIDE.
Pride Insulation has been helping Victorian builders just like you with great success. They go above and beyond to supply TAG builders with a wide range of insulation materials depending on your insulation requirements. You can also rest assured that they use quality materials that meet current AS/NZS 4859.1 Standards. They can also supply you with certifcates for added assurance.