With Same Day Delivery, You can’t beat Bowens
As a trusted TAG supplier, Bowen’s prides itself on providing builders with top-quality products and a same day delivery service that puts them one above the rest. Their range includes everything from timber, plasterboard, and steel to render and insulation. They also stock a wide range of plumbing and electrical supplies, hand and power tools, and safety equipment with a fleet of trucks and vehicles to deliver whatever you require.
- Welcome to the newest addition to the Bowens Timber family in Belmont! Nestled in the heart of the vibrant Belmont community, their latest store brings a wide array of top-quality timber products and building materials right to your doorstep, or construction site. Conveniently located for easy access, their Belmont location is poised to cater to the needs of both DIY enthusiasts and professional builders alike. With a focus on customer satisfaction and a commitment to excellence, they strive to provide a seamless experience for all.
Same Day Delivery
- Cut the stress of having to leave site to grab bulky items and waste time on site. Place your order before 9 am from a Bowens store, and any in-stock product can be delivered to your site on the same day. (You cannot select a delivery time, however all same-day orders will be delivered before 6 pm.) You can place your order using the Bowens App, website, or by speaking to one of their friendly staff members in-store.